Aerosal at D&D Wellness Luxury

25.06.2010 | Events

Aerosal at D&D Wellness Luxury

AEROSAL, the sea in a room! The new frontier of wellness.

Many VIP's attended the presentation of "la Grotta di Sale" [The Salt Cave] at D&D Wellness Luxury.

On December 3rd, "la Grotta di sale Aerosal" (The salt cave-Aerosal), the last frontier of wellness and comfort, certified by Sea Point was presented in Rome, Via Mantova 1, at D&D Wellness Luxury. Natural therapy benefits are boosted in this treatment. It consists in inhalating sodium chloride, produced by a special dispenser in a room, with salt-covered walls. This system allows to prevent flu, sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis etc, while relaxing and listening to music, watching DVDs, enjoying a salt relaxing massage or combining it with color therapy.

It's particurarly useful with children. They can play during the treatment, inside the “salt cave”.

30 minutes of treatment give the same benefits of 3 days at the beach.

Many VIP's attended the event and tested "La Grotta di sale" with the medical and scientific advice of Dr. Fabio Agostinis: Rita Rusic, Myriam Catania (now Miss. Argentero) italian diving champion Nicola Marconi with his brothers Tommaso and Maria, Alexandre Despatie (canadian champion, 3 gold and 2 silver medals at the olympic games) and the spanish Javier Illana; Simone Corsi (Motorcycle 125cc class Champion) and his fiance, the actress Alessandra Barzaghi, Yari Guglicci (succeded on screen with "Ce n'è per tutti") Renato Balestra, Gianni Sperti, Chiara Mastalli (main character in "I liceali 2"), Denny Mendez and Giuseppe Schisano.